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“I am a father of five, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Growing up, my father was an alcoholic and passed away when I was just 10 years old. In my teen years I began using drugs like marijuana and pills. I lived the fast life for many years, throughout my teens and into my early twenties.
After I joined the Army, I got injured, which resulted in my addiction to prescription medication. I justified the prescription pills because I had received them from a doctor, but when the prescription ran out, I began seeking other ways to manage my pain.
In 2021, I was caught trafficking heroin and methamphetamine. I found myself at rock bottom, locked up, facing some severe charges. BUT GOD hadn’t given up on me. The Lord began placing people in my life that would eventually point me to the Dream Center Discipleship Program.
I have met many wonderful and influential people on my journey here who simply said to me, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” And now I am happy to disciple others and share the freedom I have experienced.”
We were able to witness how God worked throughout Stephen’s whole family. After seeing their father baptized at a Tuesday Family Night, Stephen’s daughter was also baptized. Stephen then had the opportunity to baptize his son as well. Stephen’s character and joy are contagious. He has a will to share the gospel with anyone who crosses his path. He is truly a man who is redeemed and on fire for God.
“I was so sick of my obsession to get high everyday, it consumed me. For 30 plus years, my addiction to alcohol and drugs owned and ruined my life. I decided to leave Connecticut and just get on a bus to Raleigh and there was no plan. After one of the worst nights ever on drugs, I cried out to God asking for him to help and to save me. The next day, an RDC staff member saw me at Moore Square and he said, “Dream Center has a men’s recovery program, are you interested?” I knew this was God.
I was already on Methadone when I came into the program and decided to stop that cold turkey. I was prayed over and I didn’t go through any sickness detoxing off the Methadone, which is not statistically possible, but it is with God! I moved into the DCD recovery house and I started doing the 12 step program. I have learned about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and can see now how he has saved my life multiple times, from a massive heartache, to using drugs in the streets, he was calling me to him but I ignored it.
I have become obedient to His word and made a public proclamation through baptism, and now the Holy Spirit is moving in my life in amazing ways. True freedom can’t happen unless you are willing to lay everything down at the foot of the cross … EVERYTHING. This is all possible because I gave MY WILL up and let GOD’S WILL be done and trust Him to lead my life. This is the first time I’ve experienced true peace and joy. My DREAM is now to lead other men into freedom from addiction by the Holy Spirit working through me. I understand their suffering and I want them to experience this kind of deliverance. Take off that selfish pride, get humble, and take this free gift offered to you by Christ!”
“I moved to NC almost 4 years ago from Los Angeles. I left to escape my life there, but realized I was running from myself. After being let down by the things of this world and struggling with drug use, I found myself at the Durham Rescue Mission. On December 15, 2020, I gave my life to Christ and I remember waking up saying out loud, ‘He’s real’.
After the loss of my best friend, things began to spiral out of control again. I started to make poor decisions, using heavy drugs. I spent a lot of time at Moore Square and it was there that I was approached by someone from Raleigh Dream Center. I was offered an opportunity to be a part of their Recovery Program. I knew at that moment that this was the spot for me and God had opened that door. Dream Center met me right where I was, they showed me TRUE LOVE and ACCEPTANCE, which in turn showed me how to love myself.”
William has found his purpose in life through his new relationship with Christ. His DREAM is to pursue Youth Psychology to help at-risk youth and help others who are living on the streets. He knows that as he surrenders his life to Christ daily, God’s plan for him will continue to unfold and he trusts that He has great things in store for him!
Phone: (919) 867-4446
Location Address: 4301 Louisburg Rd., Raleigh NC 27614
Mailing Address: 6325 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 35-409, Raleigh NC 27615