a paid internship that develops next-generation ministry leaders  

Summer Leadership Program

The Summer Leadership Program is a paid seasonal internship that provides a place for young leaders to discover and strengthen their unique talents while building a solid foundation of Godly character and servant leadership. This is a hands-on mission experience with interns impacting and ministering to children in local communities through daily “kids camps”. Students ages 16-24 who want to reach local communities with the gospel while also growing in their leadership skills can apply for the internship in April each year.


  • Must be between the ages of 16-24.
  • Program runs for 8 weeks from June 16th – August 8th, 2025 (no program on July 4th).
  • Activities occur from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Monday – Friday
  • Attend an initial “serve day” on Saturday June 14th at our Adopt-A-Block outreach communities from 9am-1pm.
  • Attend mandatory paid orientation days on Thursday June 12th & Friday June 13th from 9am-2pm.
  • Breakfast is included each day and interns can bring their own lunch (refrigerator is available).
  • A detailed daily schedule provided once intern is accepted into the program.
  • Experience in leading local missions (program planning, event oversight, working with and leading local church groups, etc).
  • Street evangelism (training and experience).
  • Direct professional and spiritual training from RDC staff members.
  • Completion Certificate for intern’s resume.
  • Compensation to intern: $7.25 an hour 

For additional questions, email us at:

Applications open April 1 - May 9, 2025

Outreach Leader Intern (OLI) Positions

A limited number of leadership roles will be offered within the Summer Leadership Program. Those in this position are 18 years of age or older and will have additional responsibilities and increased pay. An additional application is listed below for those interested in this role.

An intern serving as an "OLI" can expect to see all of the following included in their time in this role:

  • Attend additional paid OLI orientation days, June 9th-13th from 9am-2pm to receive additional evangelism and leadership training prior to main internship program (attending the Saturday “Serve Day” and total of 5 orientations days).
  • Skill development in mentorship and leadership among peers.
  • Serve as a contact point for the coordinator, communities and church groups who serve.
  • Will lead peers and short-term missions groups within the communities.
  • Work directly with coordinator in planning, management and progress.
  • Compensation to Leader Positions: $8.25 an hour

For additional questions, email us at:

Please be sure to complete the primary intern application BEFORE filling out the one for this Leadership Role

Intern Quotes

"Through the SLP, the Lord taught me about being bold in my faith and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I was able to step out of my comfort zone and ask the kids spiritual questions and pray over them."
Addison Armstong
2022 Intern
"I have grown in my confidence in sharing the Gospel. I have also really grown in faith and stepping into the Lord's calling. It was amazing to see how the Lord works through us when we are obedient."
Jamie Sato
2020 Intern
"I learned how to share the Gospel clearly, eloquently and concisely. It felt so rewarding sharing it for the first time and seeing kids respond. I felt that I had made an impact for the Lord, and that's what keeps me going."
James Murphy
2020 Intern
"The most beneficial part of the internship was being taught how to share the gospel effectively. Seeing the importance put on evangelism at RDC meant a lot to me. I feel so much more confident in who I am in Christ."
Cassatt Laurens
2021 Intern
"I am more secure in my walk with God. Being surrounded by others who consistently hold me accountable and ask me thoughtful questions and insightful conversations about my faith has helped me tremendously."
Annia Izquierdo
2020 Intern

Interested in sponsoring an intern?

If you or your organization have a desire to see the Summer Leadership Program succeed in making a difference for Christ, you can help by sponsoring!

A gift of $180 helps cover the cost for 1 person for 1 week, but any donation towards the Summer Leadership Program will help RDC in the overall cost of the 9 week internship program.

Your gift supports local missions in Wake County and provides a leadership experience that will impact the future of the next generation.

***Be sure to add "Internship Sponsorship" to your donation comments!

Phone: (919) 867-4446


Location Address: 4301 Louisburg Rd., Raleigh NC 27604

Mailing Address: 6325 Falls of Neuse Rd. Suite 35-409, Raleigh NC 27615

As a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, all donations are tax deductible to the full extent as permitted by law.  Our Form 990 is available upon request.